(noun) created by life with the intention to influence the minds, hearts, and spirits of other life.
I guess you could say, the honeypot label is a culmination of life experience.
Each of us has a unique path in life, mine started to be heavily influenced by food when I was around 24 years old. I started to work in a restaurant that had a poached pear component on a dessert. It was really delicious, and quite easy to make. It was put into my memory. When I was around 17 or so, I had my first taste of hong kong style milk toast, essentially french toasted made with condensed milk rather than cinnamon egg-wash. What a special flavor, it was put into memory. When I was in grade 6 ‘the internet’ came out to the public. I was of course, at the gates of this unprotected world. ‘Hentai’ (translates to ‘pervert’) was probably the first Japanese word I ever learned. Living within this japanese subculture, I guess this sort of thing is always on my mind. It’s not so much a memory as a first thought. What a dog, I am.
Let’s skip ahead. I guess it would be around 2016 when I had my first milky oolong tea experience with its vivid aromas of white chocolate, poached pears, Hong Kong milk toast, what a treat!
Milky oolong has been a long-standing favourite tea of my shop and it’s ironic that internally debated pulling it off the site. Why? Because in a way, it went against something I stood for, but that was an opinion changed with maturity. Flavored teas definitely aren’t my focus, but I can appreciate them a little more than I used to, especially when they’re done well, and especially if they carry some sort of traditional values. The tea purist point of view is appreciable, and I still very much am a purist, but I think more than that, happiness and enjoyment should rank higher, so I can make an exception every now and then. I think as long as I genuinely enjoy or have fun with a tea, why put roadblocks in place? Besides, it’s a very sought after tea, and I think mine is much better than most. If I stopped selling it, people would just look for it elsewhere and drink something that will make them less happy.
I used to think that by removing the ability for customers to buy milky oolong from my collection, they would instead buy something else. The idea that I could so strongly force someones buying habits was in part due to my naivety and inexperience. Anyway, I’ve learned.
Before we go on, please take a look at the following.
A poached pear, hong kong milk toast, and another poached pear with white chocolate.
…It’s not just me, right?
There’s an important quote in my life: “Be the change you want to see in the world”
I love innuendos, and sex jokes. Comedians that tell good ones are my favourite comedians, artists that draw great innuendos are my favourite artists. It might not be much, but contributing my pervy take on life through my tea labels makes me feel artistically liberated, and that I am actively contributing to the world that I want to exist in. While ‘Honeypot’ was not my first label, it was my first ‘good one’ and has a special place in my heart. Be yourself, my friends.